Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coyote Not Ugly

Jessica Simpson has reportedly called off the search for Daisy - her malti-poo that was taken by a coyote in her backyard recently. It's a sad story - and me, having small dogs - I definitely can appreciate her torment. But in light of all this nasty coyote talk, I want to show you this.

It's a blog written by a gal who adopted an abandoned coyote pup when he was mere weeks old. Take a jaunt thru the pics - they will mesmerize you and remind you that, we are all just creatures - tryin' to get by.


Sean Newbury said...

What's the link?

N@ Lauzon said...

oops! stoooppeeedd mmmeeee (I was doing my jessica simpson impression obviously) is now linked!