Saturday, March 29, 2008


So, as you may have read on Ma and Misster Kitty's blogs respectively, the Vagina Monologues have come and gone.  What a fun time! As soon as I was done - I wanted to do it again. So - if I have the pleasure of being asked again - I'M IN!  It was a really unique experience about a very communal experience, shall we say.  And for a really fabulous cause. 

I got to the venue around 1:30 where I met the director Joel Legendre (such a nice, sweet guy!) and some of the lovely monologue ladies (Andrea! Wish I had had the chance to meet you! Thank you for commenting and for doing such a great job with V-Day!!). After that, we had a mini-rehearsal. Then - my monologue changed an hour and a half before showtime (its okay, I liked the one I read better!), then hair and make-up, then some chitty chatty with media peeps.! Pretty much the pre-cursor to my normal workday, y'know. 

Some of my co-workers came out which was awesome (yay Madhvi, Kelly Alexander and Teri-Lee!) ..and of course the always lovely Misster Kitty hangin' out with my mama and Corn. And then during intermission - Twiggy came to introduce herself!  Always nice to meet a fellow blogger.  We are all so damn NORMAL in person..what's the deal?

The most surreal moment of the night - Patsy Gallant inviting me into the one-person bathroom with her to change.  Patsy Gallant saw me in my skivvies! That makes me laugh.  She was a really cool chick.

So - thanks for putting up with my yammering on about this for a zillion years.  And thanks for your support not only of me - but of the excellent local women's charities that benefited from the night.  



Ma Horton said...

OMG .. I just noticed your twat's all folks now ! You baaaaaaaaad girl .

Sean Newbury said...

Hey Vadge... tell me, us... did Patsy cop a feel? Did you?

As for the 'normal' comment... I personally have taken that as a challenge!

...and I've already said it, but I'll say it again... Thursday night was a great night. Extremely entertaining, and YOU were certainly a large part of that. Not only would I not have heard of the event, but likely would not have gone... so thanks for being you...

Of course now... every time I see Ginette Reno in a movie, Tara Spencer-Nairn on Corner Gas, or hear you or Eva on the radio-box I'm gonna think of female naughty bits... and I'm pretty sure in my membership rules and regulations that that's a no-no. If I get kicked out of the CLub... I'm holding you responsible!

tball said...

Way to go Nat! I heard you were a hit! I wish I could have gone to see the show :(

Mr. Kitty's post is quite funny! I'm listening to you now and you are making me crack up!