Thursday, February 22, 2007

Damp Kitties


Ma Horton said...

I just know that JB or his alter ego NGB are biting at the bit to say something about a wet p***y and I wanted to beat them to the litterbox .

Anonymous said...


Heh-heh. Ma said litterBOX.

Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa) said...

I got both of my feline beasties from the Humane Society. I think the Toronto Humane Society does a good job, but the cats eat and eliminate within the same cage. So, both my furry acquisitions required a bath when I brought them home (not at the same time, thank god). The first one, who was a year old at the time, howled like hellspawn and fought like a lioness,then hid like a wounded child when it was all over. The second one, who was only 3 months old when I got her, yowled (which I have since discovered she does when she is happy, frustrated, hungry, pissed, or playful), shivered a bit, then splashed around like a duckling. Now, if I leave the bathroom door open, I can find her sitting on the toilet seat trying to catch invisible fish. Gotta love cats.

JB said...

It just looks so cruel to me. Every cat I've ever had the pleasure of sharing a house with was always capable of licking themselves clean, so I never had to bathe them.
There ya go, Ma (of the Dirty Mind). Have fun with that one.