Finally got some flowers on the (newly stained, did I mention?) roof deck! They are honestly not nearly enough.
So, I'll zip out to get some more before Corn and I meet up with Misster Kitty and the D-Man for a matinee....
When I get home, I'll plant. Then I gots to finish writing an article for the Monitor. I'm talking about Twittering - and how, frankly I'm just not into it one iota. Thoughts?
Have a great Sunday!
I am jealous about the flowers, the deck I never sat on , and the dam matinee.
w00t w00t! Flowers!
w00t w00t! Painted deck!
w00t w00t! Matinee!
p00t p00t! Twitter...
...it's an interesting fack... they gave it that name because you have to be a total TWITT to twitter...
Resist the urge.
Instant traffic, news, sports, delivered to my Blackberry instantly!
As an on air personality, to have instant notification when any of the local papers or TV stations report on a fire, road closure, accident etc... is a real plus!
I also love that a ton of the artists I play Tweet regularly therefore allowing me to pass on to my listeners exactly what a particular artist is up to.
As someone who runs a website that is updated daily, Twitter allows me to instantly notify hundreds of "followers" the minute I've added a job posting, or a news item.
As for the people who use Twitter to send messages like "Bill is in line at the bar waiting for his friends", while it seems ridiculous to a lot of folks, for a generation that communicates via text messaging, Tweeting such things is LOTS easier than sending a text to each of those friends that you're waiting for.
For the Blackberry or iPhone user, Twitter is an amazing tool. If you're not a text message-a-holic like I am, then Twitter's not going to have much appeal. But for those of us who use mobile technology, Twitter's one of the coolest things I've come across in a long time.
Media outlets who aren't on board are missing a real opportunity.
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