Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting Closer

I always sort of hesitate before I post about this subject - because I don't want to run the risk of sounding like a broken record. And these posts rarely get any comments, so that worries me a little. But, as you know it is an issue really close to my heart and this is my damn blog and this is a crucial, here we go.

Nicole Joncas - the woman suing the Quebec Government regarding puppy mills was just given the go-ahead from a Superior Court judge. This means - the lawsuit will happen if we can help her raise the funds necessary for the lawsuit. This could be the precedent that sets regulations for generations of animals to come in this province. It's significance is groundbreaking.

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke with Nicole on the phone for the first time. Her love of animals is amazing. She is freakin' awesome. I'd love to visit her refuge someday. She once told me that at 60 years old, she never imagined this for her life. She thought she'd adopt an old beagle and they'd walk off into the sunset together. Now- not so much. She is plagued emotionally and physically by what she's seen and the toll this fight for animals takes on her. But you know what? Sometimes life takes you down a different path. And this could be the one that makes the difference.

Remember that Michael Vick pitbull thing a while ago in the US? Well, the group that rescued many of those dogs have gotten word of Nicole's fight and are on board with donations and support. Her lawyers are working for free - but it costs a crapload of money to get to court. So far, they have 15 of 50 thousand dollars.

So, if you haven't donated - please, for the love of animals - donate anything you can right now because (WARNING: GRAPHIC) THIS is what is happening all over the province as we speak.

Please make your donation here. (right hand side) And send this blog link to everyone you know!

Check out a recent write up here. And thanks again for listening.


Sean Newbury said...

OK those pics are nasty, but you know what? It worked... I 'm sending a check tonight!

I'd say the only things that deserve such treatment are the so-called 'humans' who perpetrate such vile actions.

N@ Lauzon said...

Thank you thank you thank you!
You are the 3rd person to donate since I posted this, and that warms me 'eart!! She is an awesome person - and those who can't speak for themselves need our help. :)

Ma Horton said...

Proud of you kid . Ma just gave a $100 .

N@ Lauzon said...

MOM! THANK YOU!!!! :) Maybe you can come visit her with me....

Ma Horton said...

Would love that .

confe said...